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Matay de Mayee

Matay de Mayee was born in Hengelo, the child of one of the first Suryoye (also called Assyrians or Arameans) settled in the Netherlands. After studying Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam, he traveled the world for several listed employers. Three years ago he decided to turn his life around and follow his heart. He opened De Stijlkamer Amsterdam, a high-end B&B in a historic canal house, which he also uses for culinary events or as a photo and film location. With Haniyé, he makes his debut as a cookbook author.

"My mother is in fact the author of Haniyé, which in our language means 'tasty food.' But since she can't read and write, I wrote it for her, and with that came the stories about our traditions and our culture. So it also became a short history of our people. An English translation is on the way."

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