I,XXX: Philippe Vogelenzang


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I,XXX: Philippe Vogelenzang
Photography books

I,XXX: Philippe Vogelenzang

I,XXX is a visual narrative about the freedom, sexuality and identity of Amsterdam, shot through the lens of Philippe Vogelenzang.



Anyone who thinks of Amsterdam thinks of canals, bicycles, tulips, coffee shops and the infamous red light district. The latter in particular has always been the subject of fascination for many free spirits around the world. 

Amsterdam is a city that touches the world with its loving, non-judgmental state of being. It is known for its pioneering status as a place to experience unparalleled freedom of sexuality and identity. Known for its liberal morals and views, the city is proud to embrace and respect the strange and the different because of its uniqueness.

In the photo book I, XXX (meaning I, Amsterdam), renowned photographer Philippe Vogelenzang has captured Amsterdam's unique energy through a collection of photographs, mostly new work, all very thoughtful and carefully crafted, all embodying that spirit in one way or another. As you turn each page, you will discover strong personalities, representatives of the city, the common man, mothers and models. Classic Amsterdam products and XXX objects, photographed exclusively as aesthetic forms and sculptures. Vulnerable and yet powerful. Just by looking at it from a different perspective.

I, XXX is the first monograph by Dutch photographer Philippe Vogelenzang. As an image maker, Philippe is known for his playful, honest and powerful portraits that often depict an iconic presence. The book is a visual manifesto about freedom, sexuality, identity and his (inter-)relationships with the city of Amsterdam. The works and subjects are approached with a palpable positivity and admiration and are captured through a lens of love.


Author: Philippe Vogelenzang
Size: 264 x 339 x 38
Size: 288 pages
Weight: 2334 grams
Language: English
Material: Hardcover


MENDO Amsterdam

As an independent publisher, MENDO creates books that stimulate the senses. They prefer quality over quantity, so each year they create a limited number of books that offer visual stimuli, fresh perspectives, new ideas and endless inspiration. From rock and roll interiors to queer photography; all their books are created with curiosity in mind. Made by...