Neeltje de Vries: Her


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Neeltje de Vries: Her
Photography books

Neeltje de Vries: Her

In collaboration with Kahmann Gallery, MOKUMO presents; Her, the first coffee table book by photographer Neeltje de Vries. A 228-page monologue in which Neeltje shares her own take on what it means to be a woman.

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In collaboration with Kahmann Gallery, MOKUMO presents; Her, the first coffee table book by photographer Neeltje de Vries. A 228-page monologue in which Neeltje shares her own take on what it means to be a woman. 

Neeltje de Vries

Neeltje's work shows that in addition to having an impressive repertoire of beauties, women are essentially free, independent, powerful and as boundless as they are inscrutable. Neeltje's women are not trying to charm the viewer. These women are, and they are themselves enough. They want nothing from you, no matter what you want, they are untamed and indomitable. In doing so, Neeltje not only detaches herself from the traditional way of looking at women, she shows that women are so much more than what they have been reduced to by the dominant male gaze and centuries of stereotyping in a patriarchal society.

Through her work, Neeltje gives her own perspective on what it means to be a woman. On what it means to be free of expectations, prejudices, roles and patterns. She shapes that into aesthetic nuances, where geometric figures, repetition of patterns and deliberate cut-outs betray her background in graphic design.

Title: Neeltje de Vries: Her
Photographer: Neeltje de Vries
Publisher: MOKUMO
Size: 246 x 343 x 40 mm
Size: 228 pages
Weight: 1872 grams
Language: English
Material: Hardcover
ISBN: 9789090379715


Neeltje de Vries

Amsterdam-based photographer Neeltje de Vries has distinguished herself with her photography through her unparalleled vision of beauty and her ability to capture timeless stories of women. Since her introduction to the world of art, she has impressed with her ability to capture and interpret beauty in a way...





